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Playing Games and Getting Certified.

Spending the past few months diving into Microsoft Azure has been an absolute blast. I’ve enjoyed working in different labs, gaining knowledge and skills, and thinking about how to apply that knowledge to my current environment.

After completing my first two Azure certifications and becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator, I was at a crossroads. I could either continue down the Microsoft path and gain more in-depth Azure knowledge or try another platform: AWS.

I had several good friends within the “tech world” that I spoke to when making this decision. Ultimately, I was convinced to give AWS a shot and at least see what the world looked like outside of Microsoft’s ecosystem.

Enter AWS Skill Builder. AWS Skill Builder is AWS’ repository of official training lessons to help you learn and refine your knowledge of AWS services. The video content and AWS Cloud Practitioner test exam were excellent preparation for the actual exam. Skill Builder also includes a game called “Cloud Quest.” Check out the video below!

While I’m early in the training and learning process regarding AWS, I feel they have a real leg up on Microsoft here. Microsoft Learn is an incredibly robust platform with a ton of good information. Still, no live labs were included in the Azure certification training paths I participated in. I’d like to see Microsoft step up and offer more to individuals who want to train and learn.

Due to these differences, I feel as though I made the right choice by jumping in to learn about AWS. I look forward to completing more labs and challenges within AWS Skill Builder and Cloud Quest.

Until next time,

Be well!